How to create a Generic Docker Base Image with Monorepo and Semantic versioning? Part 3/3
This is the last article of this serie. If you haven't read the other articles, please checkout these links before continue this reading:
In this new entry we are going to learn how to add a new package into our monorepo project which represents an specific Docker Base Image of nodejs.
Added a new package
To add a new package you just need to create a new folder and following the previous structure. For example, to create a package for node-19 follow these steps:
Copy the node-18 folder
Paste it into the packages folder
Rename the node-18 copy folder to node-19
Change the docker base image in the Dockerfile by changing the first line to: FROM node:19.0.0-slim (the official image of node 19)
Update the and change the occurrence of node-18 by node-19.
Modify the project.json file with:
{ "name": "node-19", "version": "1.0.0", "nodeImage": "19.0.0", "$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json", "sourceRoot": "packages/node-19", "targets": { "build": {} } }
Finally, commit & push your new package folder and the Github action pipeline will get triggered automatically.
Check the pipeline
After commit and push your changes, you will have a new build for the node-19 package:
Also you can notice that the affected command only shows the new package:
Check the Docker Hub Repository
And in the docker hub repository, we can see the new image tag which represents the version 19.0.0-1.0.0:
Awesome, now you are able to maintain a monorepo for your Docker Base image of nodejs using semantic versioning.
Final thoughts
This solution only build one package peer pipeline execution.
Enhancement: Change the pipeline to only trigger the build steps after merge a PR into master.
The master branch should be protected and don't allow push changes without PRs.
If you delete a package or make a change at the project level, The Nx affected command will build all packages. Be careful.
You can find the GitHub repository in this link: docker-nodejs-base-image-monorepo
I hope you find this article very insightful and will be able to use this solution in your projects.
See you in the next article.